Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Monday, August 21, 2006

Broken plates

I have shown to you a series of “Want to see how Malaysian drives?”. This time, I would like to show you how Malaysian could still leave their vehicles running on the road with broken registration plates and yet escape from been caught by the traffic police.

I would also like to share the related experience with you. If you were to drive your car in these condition (with missing registration numbers or no number plate at all), you will be stopped and summoned by the enforcement officer right on the first day, not here in Malaysia, but in Singapore!

And one of the funny incidence happened here is: a Kia Spectra without a number plate was running side-by-side with a police car. It then challenged the police and overtake the police car. Something amazing happened: the driver could just escape without been noticed by the police! Or probably the police did not even bother to stop the car.


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