Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

俺回来了! I'm back!

嗨! 好久不见, 俺回来了! 想想也有整半年的时间没blog了! 原因不外是

半年时间, 真的有许多东西改变了. 首先, 请原谅俺没把您的 comments 一一登出. 原来俺竟然没发觉到有那么多意见(comments)是需要俺 moderate 后才能"出街"! (原来俺第一次用吔! 上一次好像不用 moderate 的喔.)

还有还有, 如今 Blogger 已经纳入Google了, 登入也方便多了. 而俺的一些短片也放进 Google video 里, 更容易 post 进 blog 里.

昨天就听了电台说什么公众人事可以当起"二五仔"(卧底), 把路上犯规的道路使用者用手机或相机拍下, 呈上给有关部门. 如果照片清晰, 而且还发了传票, 就有机会领奖.

俺觉得这项运动当然不是不好, 但是单靠照片来确定牵涉的人是否犯规, 是相当具争论性的. 比如说, 俺拍了一辆无良的汽车停在黄格里, 那它就是犯法了, 对吗? 然而, 该辆车的司机可以辩驳说, 我是放慢速度经过黄格, 没有停在上面, 那个人只是刚好拍到我在黄格上, 不公平!

所以, 俺就认为, 拍照片, 不如拍短片. 短片是动的, 它可以告诉你前后发生的经过, 包跑不了! 因此, 您会发觉到, 俺大多数都会使用短片来揭发这些危害公众安全的行为. 除非是没戴头盔, 没有车牌等罪证, 那就采用照片.

Hello everybody! I'm back!
It has been almost half a year that I've missed my blog here. Well, only one word could explain why - busy!

Quite a number of things has been changed for the past 6 months. Blogger has now migrated it's login to Google's single login account, making us easier to email and do blogging at the same time. And now Google also provide us the facility to host our video clips. One of the attractive features is the ability to post our video clips directly to our blog. Nevertheless, all these changes have been quite transparent to the readers.

Just yesterday morning on my way to work, I heard this news from a radio station: now every one could become the eyes of the police. There is a running contest that give away "attractive" cash prize to those who manage to capture traffic offenders red-handed. Summon must be issued and the picture must be clear before you have the chance to win one of the 3 prizes everyday.

Well, I'm not totally disagree with this campaign. The use of photographs from the public to determine whether one had offended any traffic rule is quite arguable. For instance, I may have snapped a driver who has stopped his car in the yellow box. But the driver could easily claim that he was just passing by the yellow box, instead of stopping there.

To me, a video clip will be more appropriate as the running frames of the clip tells the whole story. That is why, if you notice, I would prefer to use video clips in my blogs to reveal those "sucking" acts of the traffic offenders in Malaysia.


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