Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Monday, November 21, 2005

Enforcement Is Part Of Education: Part 1

Lots have been discussed on how to reduce road accidents and transportation related fatalities in Malaysia. So far, it seems that none of the effort by the government has been successful! With the conclusion of the recently launched Ops Sikap IX during the double festivals which claimed that the operation was “not a failure”, but it didn’t seems to improve much in reducing road fatalities.

Some said imposing heavier punishment may see some results; while some said everything should start from education. A series of measurements have been taken by the government to curb the increasing traffic offenders. These include shortening of maximum driving license renewable years from 10 to 5 years; on-the-spot suspension of driving license for severe offences; express bus black box white-elephant project, and now the proposal of higher premiums for errant motorists. Do all these work?


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