Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Friday, August 25, 2006

给一美金 你就是爱国了

在咱们这块国土里有个很奇怪的现象: 只要你肯付钱买面国旗, 当然也得花些心机把它给挂上去, 那你就是爱国的好公民了。 如果你不挂国旗, 汽车也不插国旗, 不管你是否每年都缴足税, 不破坏环境, 不犯罪, 不走私, 不插队, 或是排队上巴士的好公民, 可是你就是被标签为“不爱国”!

记得有好几次俺遇过这样的情形,俺驾着车跟着一辆非常“爱国无比”的汽车。 因为车主不止插着一面国旗, 而是车头一整排的国旗, 车盖也包了块大国旗。 可是俺觉得懊恼的是, 这辆车子三番四次犯上交通规则, 危险驾驶, 而且车里的人还一面坐车驾车, 一面吃红毛丹, 一面把红毛丹皮扔出车外, 就好象一路上做记号那样。 你认为他们爱国吗?

插国旗只是表示爱国的一种表面行为而已, 但至于那人真不真的爱国, 却实实在在的从他的一切行为举止反映出来。可是俺就是不明白, 一些国人甚至高官总认为高挂国旗才是爱国。 而通常不挂国旗的人多数是华人, 因此常被标签为华人不爱国。

前几年, 俺也像一般的华人一样, 从不国庆日挂国旗。 随着国旗近来越来越容易买到, 而且价格也相当大众化。 俺就在偶然的一次购物, 在霸级市场以RM3.88的价钱买了一面国旗, 然后把它给挂上。 只要有人经过咱门前, 就会认为:“哗!这家人好爱国哦!”

三令吉八十八仙, 相等于一美金。 只要花一美金, 没有人敢说你不爱国! 即使你乱抛垃圾, 干扰邻居, 露天焚烧, 拒还税务, 走私犯毒等, 表面上你还是爱国的! 何乐而不为呢?!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Broken plates

I have shown to you a series of “Want to see how Malaysian drives?”. This time, I would like to show you how Malaysian could still leave their vehicles running on the road with broken registration plates and yet escape from been caught by the traffic police.

I would also like to share the related experience with you. If you were to drive your car in these condition (with missing registration numbers or no number plate at all), you will be stopped and summoned by the enforcement officer right on the first day, not here in Malaysia, but in Singapore!

And one of the funny incidence happened here is: a Kia Spectra without a number plate was running side-by-side with a police car. It then challenged the police and overtake the police car. Something amazing happened: the driver could just escape without been noticed by the police! Or probably the police did not even bother to stop the car.