Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Thursday, April 27, 2006

言论自由 = 新闻自由?

还是关于弯桥的课题。 但今天俺要提出的不是弯桥, 而是有趣的本地主导媒体。

老马在他的一封有关弯桥事件的公开信里说, 由于最近他所发表的言论, 即使新闻从业员都有出席他的新闻发布会, 都没有被具体报道。 他因此选择(或被逼还是无奈的)在巫统支持组团 KUMPULAN MENYOKONG UMNO 网页发表公开信

由此可见, 本地的主要电子和平面媒体向来都是选择性报道新闻。 这并不表示是它们的错。 因为媒体本身当然有权利选择报道那些比较有新闻价值的消息。 但在我国马来西亚, 除了上述原因, 俺相信背后还有一股势力控制着它们。 简单的例子, 在大选的时候, 您是否留意到反对党的新闻特别少? 无论是报章或电台,几乎全都是执政党的消息。

在这里, 反对党和普通人民都有机会发表意见, 看起来是很有言论自由是吗? 但往往就是一些声音和画面被掩盖或删除了, 让大多数的人群都无法接触得到。 除非你有和互联网连线! 因此俺认为网际网络资讯传播将是未来的趋势。 这是谁也阻止不了的大趋势。

Friday, April 21, 2006


最近不断的听到垃圾土埋场发生问题,如污水流入河流, 导致食水严重受污染。 由于数个垃圾场被关闭, 蒲种垃圾土埋场被逼继续使用。 垃圾没被妥善处理, 对于“先进”州的雪兰莪是一项非常严重的问题。 政府官僚的怠慢, 在建立垃圾焚化炉的决定又不够果断显得州政府很无能。 长久下去, “先进”州的蓬勃发展将制造更多垃圾, 州政府原本就应该有预知能力, 并在问题还未发生时就应该有良好的解决方案。 可是这些“应该”做的东西它都没做到。 俺认为州务大臣应负起很大的责任。 他必须给予雪州人民解释和提出解决方案, 而不是躲在一旁白拿纳税人贡献的薪水。

垃圾無處去.蒲種土埋場再“延壽” 2006-04-21 13:43:35 MYT

Monday, April 17, 2006


看 了这则新闻, 俺想起数年前美国能源大公司安然的丑闻。 2001年, 安然公司报表所反映的许多利润被虚增,甚至是凭空捏造出来的。 公司通过系列令人眼花缭乱的财务关联交易,让投资者却信以为真。 其实, 安然公司已到了亏损至破产的地步, 到最后面临倒闭。 从那时起,安然便成为公司欺诈以及堕落的象征了。

国能的账面怎么可以让人认为是净赚, 而且过去几年都向股东们派股息。 但现在却说真正的情况竟是面临亏损。 这怎么解释呢? 国能在过去几年总是在班门弄斧, 好让它有机会向人民起价。 还记得吗? 它还曾经以外汇率的亏损作借口, 说什么又要面临亏损了。 现在马币对美元不是越来越强劲了吗? 可是它还是照样亏钱! 俺想, 国能应该要检讨的是管理干部和策略是否得体!

Third-world satellite TV

Last month, I subscribed to Astro’s Box Office movie channel for my wife to enjoy some HK movies. In one of the weekend (I rarely have time to sit down in front of a TV for even one hour in a week), when my daughter was asleep and my wife had gone out attending her class, I took the opportunity to watch a movie called something like Shopaholics starred by Jordan Chan and Cecilia Cheung.

The show was about in the middle when I switched on the TV, but soon after showed me the pirated VCD kind of quality. I checked that there was no raining and thunderstorm outside my house! I taped it using my VCR in order to show it to all of you to prove that I don’t bluff it!

In the clip, you will notice that I switch to the configuration menu to display the satellite signal strength, which was 77 -> Good! And to further prove that I don’t manipulate the video image, I press the info. or sub-title buttons. From there you could that the blue color info. or sub-title selection box was clear, while the movie contents at the background was garbled!

I don’t feel Astro was giving a good service so far. This is especially true because it could not solve the transmission problem whenever there was raining, be it heavy rain or just drizzle, and whether the storm happened at your place or at the transmission source. Meaning to say, you won’t get what you want even though you have paid for it!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


内阁突然宣布取消兴建美景大桥, 而政府也因此平白无辜的损失一千万令吉。 这也是市民每年用血汗赚来的钱而缴纳的所得税。 当初政府是基于什么原因而提出兴建美景大桥? 而政府为何在还没有得到人民对这项建议所作出的反应下就已颁发主要承包工程给某某承包商?

俺并没有赞成或反对政府是否应该兴建美景大桥, 只是政府每每朝令夕改的举动实在令人无所适从, 而如今还得损失上亿元的赔偿金。 而承包商Gerbang Perdana 却在无须做任何建造工程下无端获得一亿令吉, 真令人有点纳闷! 俺认为政府必须从这次的事件中得到教训, 并确保同样的情况不会再发生。 也就是说, 往后政府的一切工程建议, 包括州政府及地方政府, 一旦被提出, 必须让人民发表意见, 然后在决定通过该项发展计划后, 才真正颁发兴建权给承包商。

外長:承包商將獲賠.取消建橋損失千萬 2006-04-12 20:02:35 MYT

Thursday, April 06, 2006

3rd world taxi implementation @ KLIA & LCCT

Can anybody tell me why the Klang Valley taxis are given lower priority than the LCCT taxis to pick up passenger at Low Cost Carrier Terminal?

I just don't understand, why the government is allowing this to happen? The KLIA limo taxis are not operating the transport service so efficiently, and yet it is still not allowing city cabs to operate at KLIA airport. Still remember that last year in December, it came out in the Chinese Newspaper - Sinchew Daily, saying that KLIA will be allowing low cost taxis to operate starting from March this year(I have blogged it), but what happen now? No sound no picture!

After so many years of operation, the KLIA and Malaysia Airport still didn't learn. With the city cabs operating in the airport, the transportation of people to KL could be much more efficient. Look at how Singapore Changi Airport handles these. Passengers who arrive at the airport have a choice of luxury taxi or just simply the city meterred cab. The city taxis drive thru. the arrival hall, one after another and park at the side systematically. A coordinator will show the waiting passengers which cab to take, in a first in first out basis. At certain time, the queue could be quite long. But the passengers just need not to worry because of the efficiency, and the queue could be easily cleared in less than half an hour, amazingly!

Everything seems to be so easy, seamlessly there. But it takes ages to learn in Malaysia. Furthermore, the KLIA and LCCT is so much further away from the KL city center. A very much more efficient transport system is required in fact, comparing with our neighboring country.

I really hope that whenever there is any implementation of policy and system that could affect the benefits of the people, please forget about personal agenda or any other political or whatever intension. The people, and the country should come first in a higher priority. Otherwise, how can we achieve our goal as an "advanced" country?

Related story:
Taxi drivers: Jangan memperalatkan kami (Don't use us)!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shame on DBKL

Acoording to the news report today in The Sun: No kissing please, we are Malaysians! Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim asked is kissing and hugging acceptable to Malaysian citizens? Is the act according to the morality of the Asian people? I shall ask Datuk Bandar of DBKL, can you accept that Rafidah hugged Tun Dr. Mahathir in front of the press and the public? Are you accepting it simply because it was not done in the park? Or because they are VIPS? What is your standard? Shame on you DBKL! Go and look at the parks around the city: Tasik Titiwangsa, Tasik Perdana, and find out yourself. There are couples who hug and kiss in the LRT, are these acceptable to Malaysians? Well, all these has been happening in our live daily regardless of any race. I think Datuk Bandar had been in the office room for too long and never ever take a walk at the city with the city folks.

Is hugging or kissing an indecent behavior? Your opinion please.

Related story:
No kissing please, we are Malaysians!
PBT berhak sekat perbuatan tak sopan

Monday, April 03, 2006


公积金局于3月31日宣布, 将20亿资金外包予外部基金經理,並在2007年前將高達120億令吉的資金外包,以多元化其投資組合。

公积金局终于默认本身基金管理不当, 采取俺曾经建议的方法--》 外包基金管理吔!

公積金局.今年20億資金外包 2006-03-31 12:59:50 MYT