言论自由 = 新闻自由?
还是关于弯桥的课题。 但今天俺要提出的不是弯桥, 而是有趣的本地主导媒体。
在这里, 反对党和普通人民都有机会发表意见, 看起来是很有言论自由是吗? 但往往就是一些声音和画面被掩盖或删除了, 让大多数的人群都无法接触得到。 除非你有和互联网连线! 因此俺认为网际网络资讯传播将是未来的趋势。 这是谁也阻止不了的大趋势。
还是关于弯桥的课题。 但今天俺要提出的不是弯桥, 而是有趣的本地主导媒体。
在这里, 反对党和普通人民都有机会发表意见, 看起来是很有言论自由是吗? 但往往就是一些声音和画面被掩盖或删除了, 让大多数的人群都无法接触得到。 除非你有和互联网连线! 因此俺认为网际网络资讯传播将是未来的趋势。 这是谁也阻止不了的大趋势。
Last month, I subscribed to Astro’s Box Office movie channel for my wife to enjoy some HK movies. In one of the weekend (I rarely have time to sit down in front of a TV for even one hour in a week), when my daughter was asleep and my wife had gone out attending her class, I took the opportunity to watch a movie called something like Shopaholics starred by Jordan Chan and Cecilia Cheung.
The show was about in the middle when I switched on the TV, but soon after showed me the pirated VCD kind of quality. I checked that there was no raining and thunderstorm outside my house! I taped it using my VCR in order to show it to all of you to prove that I don’t bluff it!
In the clip, you will notice that I switch to the configuration menu to display the satellite signal strength, which was 77 -> Good! And to further prove that I don’t manipulate the video image, I press the info. or sub-title buttons. From there you could that the blue color info. or sub-title selection box was clear, while the movie contents at the background was garbled!
I don’t feel Astro was giving a good service so far. This is especially true because it could not solve the transmission problem whenever there was raining, be it heavy rain or just drizzle, and whether the storm happened at your place or at the transmission source. Meaning to say, you won’t get what you want even though you have paid for it!
内阁突然宣布取消兴建美景大桥, 而政府也因此平白无辜的损失一千万令吉。 这也是市民每年用血汗赚来的钱而缴纳的所得税。 当初政府是基于什么原因而提出兴建美景大桥? 而政府为何在还没有得到人民对这项建议所作出的反应下就已颁发主要承包工程给某某承包商?
外長:承包商將獲賠.取消建橋損失千萬 2006-04-12 20:02:35 MYT
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