Wa Traffic [嘩紅綠燈]

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We still have a long way to go!

Is this the procedure - using M16 against people without any weapon? It was as worse as how people was treated in the 1989 Tiananmen protest.

An unlucky man get arrested? What's the reason?

Have any of you see any news report of demonstration at KLCC for the last few Fridays in our major press. For me, I never see. Why? Why such few major events was not covered, not even in one of the major newspapers?

I had received some pictures taken during the event. I was surprised that the demonstration was a peaceful one, and yet the police was heavily armed and with the water canon mahine. The crowd was not so big, why was there such an extreme reaction from the police?

I was not against the police or supporting riot kind of activities. In fact, I don't see this kind of gathering was categorized as riot. It was just a peaceful demonstration by the normal rakyat from across all the races, women and men without any weapons, empty handed! - no petrol bomb, no stones, no sticks. Didn't our PM said that he would like to listen to the true story from the rakyat? The rakyat here were just simply showing their unhappiness towards the petrol price hike, they are not destructing our roads or buildings, or putting fires on vehicles.

So from the above story, we learned or rather found out that our society, politics are still not as democractic as what we and other people think. Just see the ways how the police treat our people, the way the media was controlled, we still have a long way to go.

Few FRU personnel "cekik" one man on the street, wasn't this look like bullies!?

Was the situation was worse enough to the extent of using water canon?

It was normal people on the street, man and woman, Malay, Chinese and Indian, all with the same heart!
Going to the battle field? Who's the enemy of the state?

The only thing the people do here seems to be holding ballons and cardboards with writings.

What is the point collecting private particular from the people, to scare off people from saying the truth?

Friday, March 24, 2006

补充: 一流的国会设备, 九流的国会议员

[Courtesy from jeffooi.com]

这里给您一瞥国会议员的开会实况, 由你来判断他们的素质!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

一流的国会设备, 九流的国会议员

星期二星洲日报的一篇国会报道指出, 一些国阵议员不赞同亚航接手马航国内航线, 原因竟是:

  1. 亚航没有提供免费餐饮
  2. 亚航没有对号入座
  3. 亚航可能不够飞机
  4. 大人物如部长须与其他乡民抢座位
  5. 到时部长会不会通过特别管道来得到好座位

相信俺吧! 如果那是俺的选区候选人, 甭想俺会选他做国会议员。 俺想, 是长眼睛的人都再也不会选他为议员!

从以上的论调就知道咱们这几位国阵议员的政治理念是什么。 看来他们的出发点由始至终都是为了知己。 他们只担心以后飞来首都开会是否还有免费飞机餐吃! 他们只担心以后是不是要和草民一起争机位(搭亚航真的要“争”座位吗?)! 天呀! 部长和议员们就不可以和普通老百姓一起做飞机吗? 他们不也是普通人民被选出的人民代义士吗?

现在终于明白了两点。 第一, 为什么咱们管理国会事项的首相署部长怎么也不愿意现场直播国会辩论与会议实况, 因为执政党国会议员的素质实在太烂了。 第二, 难怪咱们的国家到现在还是取不了什么进步, 原来就是养了班废才!

P/S 俺也发现到另一个显现: 在阅读星洲日报的这篇报道后, 俺尝试到各大报章寻找同样的报道, 只有星报刊登类似的话题 并且只局部报道巫统议员如何批评马航浪费资源, 不懂得开源节流。 而上述的语调却完全没有报道。 唉。。。呜呼哀哉!

MPs highlight how MAS wastes money

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


俺昨日的 video blog 正部分的解释本地长途巴士的服务态度! 根据这篇报道, 公眾對長途巴士的種種投訴越來越多,但巴士公司與司機似乎充耳不聞。調查顯示,不少長巴司機依然把高速公路當作第一方程式賽車場,無視搭客的生命安全。長 巴搭客形容,每次行程都是一場噩夢。


报道还说, 公众人士如果对长巴服务有何不满, 可以向陸路交通局或商用車輛註冊局反映,免付費熱線是
1-800-88-9600。 问题是, 有没有人接听? 是否是24小时操作? 接听了之后, 是否会马上采取行动?

搭長巴像發噩夢 58%搭客指司機愛飛車 2006-03-20 21:57:00 MYT

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Want to see how Malaysian drives? Part 9

Every driver in Malaysia knows, the speed limit on the PLUS expressway is 110km/h, except several stretches which are either 80 or 90 km/h.

But I could say, most of the drivers, 90% I guess are travelling more faster than the speed limit most of the time. When I was driving on the PLUS highway, I was always "looks like" the last one because everybody overtook me, at both left and right side, although I was already travelling at 110km/h.

Commercial vehicles like buses and lorries are limited only to 90km/h on highway. But how many of those buses follow this rules? If nobody, or only a mere 10% of the drivers are following the rules, 2 questions here:

1. Where is the enforcement?
2. If the authority doesn't bother to nab those who foul the rules, why still put on the unrealistic rule?

If the government is closing on one eye in this matter, it would cause confusion to the people because it seems that it's up to the government to only punish the offenders at certain times which the government thinks it likes. There should clear lines drawn over here: 110km/h is the maximum speed, or just raise it 120km/h. Anything above that would be subject to traffic laws.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Want to see how Malaysian drives? Part 8

This time, I would like you all to see how our Malaysian drivers put the laws into their hands. They would prefer to make themselves convenient by taking a turn into a road which is clearly stated as one way street and with a "No Entry" sign. Look at the big arrows on the road.

Do you think the drivers are innocent? Do you think they don't know the traffic rules and laws? Do they know the punishment if caught? Do they know how these acts could cause unwanted incidents? Do you think this was the first time they do this?

The blue and the blur

Jalan Semantan
Parliament House

Jalan Tun Razak

These are the pictures taken on the same spots on August last year and February this year. Spot the difference.

Which sky do you like? The blue one or the blur one?

Haze will be coming back again, it's just the matter of time. How can we prevent it? How can we reduce the impact? Still remember last year, Selangor state was once declared emergency state because of the threat from haze? Malaysians look like very passive in countering this issue. It seems that we can't do anything except waiting for the haze to come and go by itself!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


陈广才说, 那些批评本地交通的不是都是门外汉 因为他们很少乘搭公共交通工具。

HELLO。。。 现在到底是谁很少使用公共交通工具? 贵为交通部长的陈广才未必是最熟悉本地的交通问题, 试问他本身又在舍时舍地搭过公共交通? 一年又搭过多少次? 也许在机场直通快车(ERL)的推介礼就是他唯一乘搭交通工具的时候吧? 尊贵的部长, 如果你也没什么乘搭公共交通, 麻烦你先闭嘴, 听一听人民的真话吧!

Monday, March 13, 2006

华小新生登记 大费周章

平常在政府部门, 如移民厅或登记局看人大排长龙可说是司空见惯的了。 可是现在每年年头尤其在市区的华小, 我们都看到家长在校外大排长龙,甚至漏夜在校外露营, 为的是争着为孩子在华小讨个学额。

第一, 教育部嘴里是说继续维护华小, 让它继续发展, 其实是让它自生自灭。 不管是任何种族, 每年的人口出生率都在增长, 对各个源流的小学自然也随着增长。 其实华小本身并不只是完全收取华族生, 统计也指出约有10%的学生是异族同胞。 很可怕的是, 政府却在增建华小的课题上显得非常敏感。 世界各国政府都开始注重华文教育, 纷纷鼓励其人民学习华语, 可就是我国政府还在开倒车, 处处为难, 甚至打压华小的发展。 华小师资, 拨款, 贷书, 土地等就是一些例子。

第二, 向来令人想到就无奈的护照申请, 如今也不必那样麻烦了。 您所需要做的是, 在网上登记及填妥资料, 预约日期与时间, 在特定的柜台办理护照的申请手续便可, 无须长时间排长龙消耗纳税人的时间。 俺认为家长在校外长时间排长龙也是非常不实际和没必要的。 一间学校可以收取多少位学生已是定局, 为何要家长在校外痴痴的排队, 到头来也未必争到个学额。 不如通过文告, 互联网让家长登记, 没有互联网的家庭才需要到校内登记, 那不是更省时省力。 校方主要是要得到新生儿的一些资料, 如年龄, 居住地区, 无须捞民伤财。 在市区的华小, 俺相信通过互联登记新学额应该不是什么大问题吧!

陳財和:無須排長龍苦等.網上登記申請護照 2006-03-12 19:40:01 MYT
2006-03-09 13:02:32 MYT

Friday, March 10, 2006

Expect “Quick” smell from DPM

Today’s The Sun front page reported that next time, if you detect any foul smell in the water, you will get immediate attention straight from our DPM, Datuk Seri Najib Razak. This is because our DPM is now heading the new cabinet committee on environmental problems. He said the committee comprises representatives of several ministries and state governments and will coordinate the action to be taken and adopt an integrated approach to overcome the problem.

The question here is: how to report? The committee should immediately make available all the contact channels, including hotline, fax. number, email address and URL. Do you think calling the JBA office, or Syabas headquarters will automatically escalate your problem? I don’t know. You may get a response like: “Sorry sir, we are not handling this now. Please call the committee.”

By the way, what is the name of the committee? What is the scope of the committee? Will it entertaining just foul smell from the water? The report said that it’s set up to counter environment problems. That could be a wide area including water, noise and air pollution, illegal toxic dump, illegal burning, landfill, rubbish management, so on and so forth. Hopefully there will be more announcements later.

Are you switching to public transport? Part 2

And if you notice, some of the problems found in the bus service listed above are exactly happened in third world countries.

I remember two decades ago when I was still studying in schools in JB. I could easily travel around Singapore without any help from others, except a bus guide from SBS. The bus guide was printed so systematically that everybody knows:
- when does the bus start and stop operating
- what number to take to our destinations
- what numbers and at which interchange to change number if there is no direct bus
- how to alight and aboard at the bus stop number accurately
- how to calculate bus fare based on bus stop number

So now I just want to ask our KL city folks and the Menteri-menteri, do we have a bus guide? It looks like we are still 20 years behind our neighbor in the southern tip! And we are now about only 14 years away from Vision 2020 – an advanced country. What’s more, in fact Selangor has been declared the first developed state in the nation, but we don’t even have a bus guide for our omni bus system!

Of course the government can always encourage (or rather force) the people to use the public transport by imposing heavier tax or city zoning levy like ERP in Singapore. However, things will not work barely because of these “pushing” factors, as if the “pulling” factors from the public transport system are in fact chasing away the city dwellers. The people here would rather spend more to buy the convenience. The city planner should go back a step and redraw their objective. Are they merely providing a transport system to fetch people from point A to point B regardless of efficiency and service, or providing convenience to the people?

Back to our conversation in the room, some people would rather switch to motorbikes, or drive a smaller cc vehicle, but definitely no no to public transport. Public transport is the last resort! So the conclusion is, unless the government seriously and also has the urgency to improve the public transport system, with commitment from top to bottom, otherwise I can foresee that it will still remain the same state after 10 years from now.

Related stories:
More resorting to public transport [The Star 1-Mar-2006 ]
PM: We have to sacrifice [The Star 1-Mar-2006 ]
Govt: No fare hike for public transport [The Star 1-Mar-2006 ]
Savings to go into public transport [The Star 2-Mar-2006 ]

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Are you switching to public transport? Part 1

So KTM Komuter claims that more people are resorting to public transport because of the petrol price increase. Is that really so?

Well, immediately after the announcement of the petrol price hike last February, I have done a quick survey. In a room of 10 persons, including myself, consisting of mainly office workers and engineers from Klang Valley and Johor Bahru, I asked, “How many of you would like to switch to public transport after the petrol price increase?” Guess what is the percentage of saying “Yes”?

Zero! Yes, all of them, including myself unanimously said NO! When I asked them why? Most of them said our public transport system is lousy, expensive and all sorts of negative views about our public transport service.

To be frank, the omni bus service at KL city is as bad as it was 15 years ago, if not worse. I could easily provide you a list of sad things about our public transport in few pages in length.

Well, though I know that everyone of you who use public transport here are already familiar with all these problems, I think I am still obliged to tell you some of them:

Town Bus service
1. Not punctual and not frequent (no excuse ok, we know KL is jammed!)
2. Drivers are bad in attitude, provide wrong information, challenge customers
3. Bypass or skip planned route
4. Buses not stopping when waved or when the bell is rang
5. Switch from auto ticket dispensing system to manual again
6. Dirty, broken chairs, buzzer not working properly, doors not closed
7. Faulty or No air conditioning
8. Expensive – paying more than 1 ringgit even though it’s only 1 station away
9. Bus conductor does not change overpaid fare
10. Not using bus lane
11. Bus moves before passenger completely aboard or alight
Do not have dedicated bay for bus stop, blocking traffic thus causing congestion
13. No bus guide
14. Asking passenger to change coach on bus drivers’ own desire
15. Bus drivers stopping half way to do his personal matter
16. Stopping at bus stop too long to wait for passenger
17. Drive recklessly,
18. Buses not maintained frequently, often break down
19. Buses not stopping at the correct spot at bus station or bus stop
20. Drop off or pick up passengers in the middle of the road

Taxi service
1. Choosing customers
2. Not using meter
3. Always not available when called especially during peak hours
4. Choosing destination
5. Stop wherever they like such as by the road side
6. Using more roads to reach destinations
7. Modify meters
8. Rude taxi drivers
9. Drivers avoiding disabled passengers
10. Pumping petrol while leaving meter to run with passenger on board

1. Too crowded during peak hours
2. Certain coaches has no proper air conditioning
3. Very time consuming if you encounter breakdown of service

Just to name a few.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

补习是歪风 (2)

现在的家长可不是那么想了。 第一, 他们认为现在竞争力越来越强, 少认识一点东西都深怕会输了个马鼻。 而且也尽量让孩子多才多艺, 文武双全。 校内校外学术舞蹈音乐或运动课程都大小通吃。 第二, 现在的家庭, 尤其是城市地区, 大都是双亲双薪, 孩子上完课了回家谁来看? 交给女佣或褓母也不是办法, 没人督促孩子做功课, 在家无所事为, 倒不如留在学校补习做功课, 至少还有人帮忙看管。 一个月几十块的补习费加“褓母”费简直是便宜透顶。 如果学校是全日制的那就真是大快人心, 孩子的起居饮食, 功课及其他活动全权交给校方好了!

可是这样子真的是解决问题了吗? 目前所出现的现象是, 父母亲在工作场所花的时间比在家多, 孩子在学校或补习中心的时间比在家的长。 周末呢? 孩子照样是补习, 补习, 补习, 不然就是学游泳, 拉小提琴, 学钢琴, 绘画, 台拳道, 芭蕾舞等等。

如此下去后果将可能是第一, 孩子们与父母亲相处的时间不多(孩子需要的时间不只是质quality time 也包括量quantity time), 孩子不觉得大人的关心, 内心里的事情愿和同学或朋友倾诉。 如果小的时候一向给婆婆外婆带大的就比较亲老人因为比较得寵。 叛逆期时搞不好离家出走。 在有压力的时候无人安慰与鼓励, 可能出现精神压抑症或想不开。 第二, 学生们原本已被繁重的功课搞的喘不过气来, 再加上接二连三的补习和各种各样的学习班, 根本没有剩下多少时间来思考, 做做自己的小研究, 检讨过去和策划将来。 学生失去了独立思考的能力, 也无法充分的发挥他们的创作力。 第三, 一些教师或许在正课时没那么用心的教, 反而会把注意力放在另加收费的补习班或补习中心。 这对于那些没有补习的学生将是很不公平的。 大家也许没听过, 一些教师在学校里争补习班争得焦头烂额, 为的是找更多的外快, 或者是逃避一些如作文班吃力不讨好的工作。

总的来说, 俺认为补习班根本就是没有必要的。 学校里所教的课程和练习已是足够的了。 在这里俺特地不说足够应付考试, 因为教育原本的目的就不是制造一批又一批的考试机器。 拿多一两个A或少两个A又能怎样? 这两个A真的可以让俺出人头地吗? 但有些家长却很难想象没有了补习班将是怎样的世界, 因为孩子没人看管。 于是制造了对补习的需求, 有需求就有供应, 商机处处, 就这样子恶性循环。 咱们的社会也许在今后的十几年内也无法出现什么伟大的科学家, 甚至是政治家。

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

补习是歪风 (1)

<--这是江秀坤校长说过的话, 与最近才宣布取消收费补习和额外作业的行动并没有背道而驰, 所以也没什么值得大惊小怪的!

2006-01-15 20:10:15 MYT

不知是什么时候开始, 补习成了每个学生的必须品。 有的是功课跟不上而补习, 有的则功课已很好了, 可就是还要更好。 有的也不知道为什么要补习, 因为家长送来, 或者是同学补, 我也补。 补习真的可以把学生的成绩越补越好吗?

记得俺在小学的时候, 班上课外补习的学生寥寥无几, 而其中一位功课较差的同学由于三番四次不交功课, 而且功课乱七八糟, 但又在外补习(想当年不是每个人都补的起), 结果给级任老师骂了一句: “补什么补, 像烂布一样, 越补越烂!” 可见那时的老师也满憎恨在外补习的学生。

俺总是觉得以前的老师比较有教育精神, 而且是无条件付出的那种。 当然俺并不想一竹干打翻一船人, 即使是现在还是可能找得到这种老师, 只是不容易了。 对于俺小学那个时候的老师, 如果有学生在外补习, 就是一种侮辱。 这表示在学校老师教导失败, 所以还要在外找别人教过。 那个时候的学生那里需要动不动就找补习老师, 而且也很少看到老师出来教补习。

后来也不知是什么时候开始流行补习起来了。 记得在俺进入会考班那年(SPM), 很多人都为那科国语而担忧。 从年头物色补习老师到年尾,陆陆续续换补习老师的同学也都有。 俺和身旁的一位同学也开始急了, 于是也开始跟风。 可是那时已距离会考大概只有一两个月的时间。 由于他找到的补习老师太过远, 而且他有本身的交通工具, 而俺却非常不方便, 得转两趟车才到, 这样来回两趟宝贵的时间都溜走了, 所以俺还是决定不补了! 等成绩放榜了, 猜! 俺那位身旁的同学国语得了个P 俺却得了个C 之前咱俩的成绩不相上下, 其实总的来说, 他的成绩还比俺好,得 7A 俺只那了6个。 可是回想起从前, 即使成绩好还是不好, 多一个A少一个A又怎样呢? 小时了了, 大未必佳! 多年以后, 大家还是一样一条好汉。

Monday, March 06, 2006


不好了,不好了! 这下子可不好了, 华社的两大“知识”分子竟然闹得不可收拾了。

对于校长职工会决定下半年将停止所有华小收费班的行动, 俺确实感觉到校长职工会在解决这场与董联的风波有欠诚意。 俺觉得全国校长职工会甲州分会主席杨清亮校长的言论有些问题, 他说:但我們也沒有辦法之下才這樣做。很多社會賢達到現在都沒有站出來講句公道話,我們只好作出這樣的公開抗爭,爭取我們校長的清白。

杨清亮的这翻话既表明他们的行动是在抗议, 抗议为什么没有人出来站在他们的界线为他们说句话。 而这场抗议的筹码就是华小学生和家长的利益, 受害的是华教。 如果你本身的言论和出发点普遍上不受欢迎, 那里会有什么人物愿意跟你撑腰? 杨氏还表示若事情不能解决, 教师工会教总也将会被解散。 这确确实实的是一种威胁论, 拿华教建立几十年的心血来作赌注。

俺基本上从华小教师本身的谈话了解到, 大部分的收费班, 如电脑, 补习都由家教协会承办, 而且立场相当中立, 帐目也具透明度。 因此, 关闭这些活动的决定还未必完全由校长来作主, 需要通过家协开会通过。

至于额外作业与课本, 取消了当然不是一宗坏事。据了解, 好些额外作业簿并没有完全被使用, 有些干脆买了也没碰过, 因为教师根本没那么多时间批改。 控制作业与课本供应的大都是贩卖部, 因此交出贩卖部才是一项较积极的行动。

俺也不想在此作出人身攻击, 但俺却观察到在这起风波, 只是由一两个动作较为不负有责任, 思维偏向个人利益及言论偏激的人在操控着, 事情其实不必闹得这么僵。

说真的, 事情到了这个地步, 人们的视线似乎已被转移了。 倒不如把事情回到根本, 由事情发生的出发点解决?

俺还是那句, 现在各方都在找台阶下台, 各方都在为面子而坚持立场。 难道因为退一步会让人耻笑吗? 如果是为了华教,赴汤蹈火都做得到,别说是让一步啦。 虽然俺不怎么认识林连玉, 但如果大家都回归当初先人办华教的精神, 一同达成共识, 以一颗开明的心, 相信事情是不难解决的。

檳威董聯會:清者自清.沒必要停辦收費班 2006-03-06 13:26:41 MYT
2006-03-06 13:15:12 MYT
2006-03-06 13:12:33 MYT
2006-03-06 10:28:07 MYT
2006-03-05 20:10:17 MYT
2006-03-05 20:00:06 MYT

Friday, March 03, 2006


全国总警察长前日在大众媒体前严厉训诫, 任何不懂得人权的警官请辞职。表面上看, 真是好一句训斥过去滥权警官, 听得还相当入耳的人话。

但如今事情过去了, 骂的骂了, 训的训了, 有人辞职吗? 嗨咯总警察长先生, 那些官员是你的人吔! 你应该知道他们谁会人权谁不会人权。 应该行动的是你自己本身, 不要推回给下属。 如果你知道那一个下属做事不利, 你有权利叫他“收档”, 而不是等他自动来。 如果就这样等, 到最后还不是打回原形, 警察部队里还是一样参杂了一些害群之马。 行动吧, 不要只是说而已!

林吉祥讚揚總警長言論.“10個月來最積極信號 2006-03-02 20:31:21 MYT
2006-03-02 20:30:31 MYT
2006-03-02 20:28:22 MYT

Thursday, March 02, 2006

2006 通货膨胀年

前日通过报张得知3月通膨率已衝破4% 但俺想, 4%未免是个太保守的数字? 其实依俺的测算, 我国的通膨率老早就高于4%了。 这里俺大概做了一些计算, 让大家看看到底接下来的物资高涨率将是如何的。

汽油 18% (以原本的RM1.62/L)
煤气 21% (以原本的RM20.30/14KG)
学巴 20%
50% (燃料附加费)
10-12% (预料)
8% (雪隆区)
36% (据一位朋友透露, 在灵室一间mamak餐馆在28日前与后的价 钱是RM5.50RM7.50 – 同样的食物)
??% (还未宣布)
??% (还未宣布)

现在由您去想想, 4%的通膨率是否符合逻辑? 再看看咱们的定存率, 最高的是12个月的3.7% 而公积金派息率也只不过是5% 这样子下去, 人民的收入不但只是永远追不过通膨率,而且会变得越来越贫穷。


亞航西馬單程航班.燃料附加費起50% 2006-03-02 12:37:47 MYT
徐雅智:早前允調高20%.學巴不打算再起價 2006-03-02 12:17:20 MYT
柴油汽油漲價引起連鎖反應.運輸費學生車資調高 2006-03-01 07:01:23 MYT
載沙起50令吉‧載貨起20%.柔羅里運輸費漲價 2006-02-28 20:22:33 MYT
鍾廷森:油價猛漲電費近期調高.通膨進一步惡化 2006-02-28 20:02:15 MYT
余瑞時:貨主每公里須多付15仙.羅里徵收柴油附加費 2006-02-28 20:00:00 MYT
馬航國內線自負盈虧.條件:起價10%收燃油費 2006-02-28 12:58:07 MYT
汽油柴油起30仙 2006-02-28 00:31:20 MYT
汽油起價衝擊大.各行業要求漲價 2006-03-01 20:10:15 MYT
2006-02-28 18:25:44 MYT