- 政府再好的政策都没用, 以为在执行政策的时候往往都出现偏差, 上层的指示下不达意。 官僚作风永远摒弃不了。
- 政府往往总是等事情发生了, 才来亡羊补牢。 所以当等事情发生后, 它所造成的破坏力更大, 影响更深。
- 目前只看到政府在努力“扑火”, 却没有看到任何人提出什么具体的措施以避免同样的事一再发生。
因此不要一味声明将会阻止同样的事件再发生, 请告诉我们您官老爷如何能防止类似问题重现!
因此不要一味声明将会阻止同样的事件再发生, 请告诉我们您官老爷如何能防止类似问题重现!
Lots have been discussed on how to reduce road accidents and transportation related fatalities in Malaysia. So far, it seems that none of the effort by the government has been successful! With the conclusion of the recently launched Ops Sikap IX during the double festivals which claimed that the operation was “not a failure”, but it didn’t seems to improve much in reducing road fatalities.
Some said imposing heavier punishment may see some results; while some said everything should start from education. A series of measurements have been taken by the government to curb the increasing traffic offenders. These include shortening of maximum driving license renewable years from 10 to 5 years; on-the-spot suspension of driving license for severe offences; express bus black box white-elephant project, and now the proposal of higher premiums for errant motorists. Do all these work?
So what do you? Where went wrong to Malaysian licensed drivers?
More photos are on the way ...
What is the purpose of the VMS (the big screen) if it is blank during the peak hours when the motorists need them the most?
You will notice that there are a lot of cameras already installed in every corner in the city. However, when you visit the ITIS web site, most of the cameras are either not available or not working. I hope this is not a another white elephant project in Malaysia.
P/S: I have observed an interesting message found in one of VMS, saying “Kesesakan biasa berlaku di Jalan Semantan …”. First it tells everybody that the road is congested as usual (biasa); second it also tells the road users that that road is as congested as usual. If I’m not the frequent road user of that road, then I’m not biasa to that road, so there’s no way for me to imagine how jam is the road!
As an update to my previous blog: 首要媒体拥多家电视的隐忧 which mentioned the worrying situation of media monopolies in Malaysia, I have attached this piece of information, telling us who owns the media locally.